Of course we also saw many many birds. But the sky was so dull, that often you even could not make a definition. What a pity! Well, but we anyhow could recognize the azure-winged magpies and the many hoopoes!
"The sun really could finally come out again!" this nice hoopoe excited:
And this one here is going soaking wet but undaunted looking for food:
In these areas also big flocks of grey geese are wintering. We had to look twice to be able to recognize them in this pouring rain!
Also huge flocks of lapwings belong to the scenery there:
Such elegant birds!
Omnipresent were also these nice stonechats:
A corn bunting looking arround:
And this hidden guy ... a little bluethroat!
And lastly this adult marsh harrier …
… hunting:
After these dank observation days it was a joy in the evenings to return to our beautiful room in the hotel Viña la Torres. We felt very comfortable at the owners Belen and Juan Pedro and want to say thank you very much again also at this place for all the insider-tips which they friendly enough gave to us!
We shall come again but under better weather conditions!!!!
Best regards