Bird migration August 22 2009


Bird migration at the Strait of Gibraltar and at La Janda
August 22 and 24 2009

Also the bee-eaters ...

... gather in La Janda. Particularly on Wednesday it was just wonderful to hear their calls. There must have been upon hundreds in the air. Whole La Janda was involved in this wonderful bee-eaters-music!

"What a good thing, that I don´t have to migrate to Africa!":

Cattle egret sons feathers stand on ends only thinking about!

The cattle egrets just fly carefree to another field:<

The kestrel has fun to ...

... give the jackdaws a real scare...

... one after the other:

And here a Montagu's harrier, which obviously just caught a grasshopper:

Thanks to the strong wind even the Montagu`s harrier did not want to fly anymore and crouched on the edge of the rice field:

Never before we were able to see this beautiful bird so relatively close and we were just enthralled from the striking beauty of this young bird:

Best regards!


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All photos ©copyright by Birgit Kremer
webmaster Sabine Börsch
translation by Brit Haagna