Stork colony


One year about the life of the stork colony at San Roque

And soon the first couples are breeding:

Both Mum and Dad stork warm now for 30-32 days passionately their clutch. Only for moments they get up to turn these valuable eggs very carefully. It is just unbelievable how carefully such a big bird is handling in the narrowness of these nests its fragile eggs!

The offspring

"Daddy I am hungry!":

Since the early days the chick knows, that clattering is part of the trade to …

… make clear, that there is great appetite and growing should be quick:

But first there must be brought new soft nesting material for the chicks:

"Was that all?" the little one protests in strongest terms:

And while Daddy starts to vomit the food he brought along, Mum stork starts to go for food. Not one single quiet moment the stork parents do have now, because in two months the youngsters have to be as big as they themselves are, in order to start the long migration!

"With a drop of water it´s not done!":

"Huuungry!", the little one begs with all its might:

"Now quickly vomit something, Dad!" but Daddy stork has fed all he had:

Till the offspring will fledge 64 days will pass. A time during which always one of the parents will be around the nest to protect the little once from possible intruders.

Continuation on page 8

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